There are so many things you can do with essential oils, make your own cleaners, headache remedy, anxiety, sleep help. . It's easy and here's a couple to get you started!!!


My daughter got this big scratch on her leg the other day from our puppy. If you have ever had a scratch from a dog or a cat you know how bad they can sting and hurt! I knew I wanted to try and heal it with Essential Oils. I grabbed my Lavender oil and some carrier oil. I applied it topically on the scratch the night it happened. My daughter said it helped it not sting so much and the smell relaxed her. We put a little more on the next morning and within 24 hrs we saw a HUGE improvement in the scratch. Lavender oil has so many uses, scratches is just another awesome way to use your oils! If you are interested in Essential Oils check out the rest of this website and click on DoTerra Info for info on how to order!

Whose ready to read? I'll try to keep this blog post simple, to the point, and not pages long. I find my self rambling when I begin talking about these things but here goes! I'm 26 years old. I have struggled with Anxiety for the last 9 years. I'm pretty sure I have some OCD tendencies as well ( wipe down the kitchen table with Clorox wipe 10 plus times a day.. mind you we don't even eat on the kitchen table!!! ) I was put on Effexor XR at the age of 17. After I got married and became pregnant with my first child I decided I should try and get off the medication.

WHOA...... That stuff is a monster to try and wean off of. I had horrible withdrawl from the medication. My vision was blurry, I had brain "shocks" I was sick, migraines etc. I ended up not being able to get off the medication during that pregnancy. Fast forward to baby # 2. I was DETERMINED this time to get off this crap! I finally managed. After 2 months of horrible withdrawl on top of morning ( wait.. all day ) sickness. Now here I am no medication. The anxiety has not gone away. If anything it was at an all time HIGH. I knew one thing. I did NOT want any prescription medication. I didn't like the side effects ( NO sex drive.. who wants that, exhausted, irritable ) What other options did I have?

A friend told me about this oil called Balance. I decided to give it a try. Surprisingly after putting some on the back of my neck and a little on my wrists and a good inhale I found my anxiety decreasing. I did this twice a day. Natural, easy, and a noticeable improvement on my anxiety. YES PLEASE!!!

Back to that first pregnancy... That gave me a gorgeous daughter. We'll call her Grace. Grace was always an uphappy baby. Never content, never settled. She is now 5 but around age 3 or so I realized some things about Grace. She couldn't handle to much stimulation ( large crowds, noisy rooms etc. ) She noticed every little change to.. everything. She was very very in tune to people and their emotions. She also was very sensitive. She needed to know how things were going to go. She didn't do well with things going differently than anticipated. Change was not good for her. Grace has never been diagnosed as Highly Sensitive, but I have always thought she was. She falls in to MANY of the categories.

Around age 4 we started eliminating Artifical Red Dye #40, #33, #3 from her diet. Everytime she ate or drank foods with this additive she would become very agitated, angry, violent, out of control, tantrums. It was a whole other level. We have kept her away from these dyes ever since and can 100% tell when she has had some and when she hasn't.

I use Lavender oil and Balance on her daily now.

Balance helps calm her down, and settle herself. Lavender does similar things as well. I find her to be more calm, easier to talk to, more receptive to change, and more understanding when things don't go her way. She seems more at peace.

These are a few ways that essential oils have helped me and my family. If your looking for similar ways to help situations with you or your family let me know. I'd love to he